Class policies will be discussed in each class regarding appropriate dance attire, attendance, performance and studio behavior.
Tuition Fees:
Tuition fees are due by the first of each month and are considered late after the 5th. Payments accepted through cash, check or Venmo. Please include your dancer's name with your payment. For mailing directions, please contact your student’s teacher. Class fees and registration fees are listed on your schedule.
Class fees and registration fees are non-refundable. A formal notice of withdrawal must be submitted to remove a student from billing.
Registration Fees:
$35.00new student/$30.00 returning student/$50.00 family
Discounts For Prepayment:
Full year (9 months) payment =10% discount AND no registration fee
Half- year payment (4.5 months) = 5% discount
Costume Deposits:
Performance class: Costume deposits are due on the following schedule: September 26,2024$45.00/ October 24,2024 $45.00 or $90.00 by October 24,2024. Costume balances will be due in December. Deposits are non-refundable.
Company: See Company Information page
Calendar of Holiday and other Closings:
November 27-29,2024: Thanksgiving
December 23,2024-January 3,2025: Christmas Break
March 17-21,2025: Spring Break
April 18,2025: Easter
Classes begin September 3
Weather closings:
In case of inclement weather, please check Facebook or Instagram for updates. We normally follow the Greenville County Schools closing. However, if the weather looks good by 2pm, we may open.